Preparing for Adulthood
There is support available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to prepare for adulthood and help achieve the best outcomes in employment, independent living, health and community participation. Preparation for adulthood should start at an early age and is an ongoing process and high aspirations are crucial to success.
Preparing for adulthood means preparing for:
Friends, relationships and community
Independent living
Good Health
Employment, Education and Training
If you would like help with finding information please contact
Children & Family Services
Council of the Isles of Scilly
Carn Gwaval
St. Mary’s
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0NA
Telephone: 0300 1234 105 Option 5
Friends, relationships and community
Devon and Cornwall Police cover the Isles of Scilly and you can find out more about policing in your area by visiting the
You can contact your local police station for non-emergencies or report an issue/crime
Isles of Scilly Police enquiry office
Devon & Cornwall Police Garrison Lane
St Marys
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0JD
101 (Non-emergency)
67101 (SMS/text number for the deaf/hard hearing/speech impaired)
18001 101 (Minicom/Textphone)
Only phone 101 to:
provide us with crime related information
contact local officers
get crime prevention advice
make us aware of policing issues in your local area
make an appointment with a police officer
Please ONLY phone 999 in an emergency: if someone is badly hurt as a result of a criminal act, if life is threatened, offenders are nearby, or a crime is in progress.
It is important to stay safe whilst you are online.
Bullies Out
Has information about online bullying, trolls etc. website:
Is for parents, with education videos, how to’s and how to report, it is run by the National Crime Agency. CEOP website:
Online Banking
Many banks offer advice and workshops of how to manage your bank accounts online
Internet Matters
Has lots of useful tips and advice, this is by age, subject, devices and internet checklists
Internet Matters website:
Has resources and tips about staying safe online: NSPCC website:
If you need medical assistance or advice out of hours then you can phone St Mary’s Health Centre on 01720 422 628. A recorded message will advise you which number to call.
You can also dial the 111 number which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to respond to people’s healthcare needs in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly for:
medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency
for medical help or if you don't have a GP to call
if need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service
health information or reassurance about what to do next
Callers to 111 will be put through to a team of trained call advisers, who are supported by experienced clinicians. They will ask questions to assess callers’ needs and determine the most appropriate course of action, including:
callers facing an emergency will have an ambulance dispatched
callers who can care for themselves will have information, advice and reassurance provided
callers requiring further care or advice will be referred to a service that has the appropriate skills and resources to meet their needs
callers requiring services outside the scope of NHS 111 will be provided with details of an alternative service
In an emergency call 999
Chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
The emergency SMS service lets you send an SMS text message to the UK 999 service where it will be passed to the police, ambulance, fire rescue, or coastguard.
You need to register your mobile device before using this service by visiting the Emergency SMS website:
work to prevent the loss of life on the coast and at sea. They produce legislation and guidance on maritime matters, and provide certification to seafarers. You can find out more on the MCA website:
In case of an emergency at sea, please dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard
Can help young people aged 16-18 here on Scilly.
Social Prescribing can help if you are feeling anxious or confused and could benefit from a chat about what's available in the local community and find out how Social Prescribing can help to improve your health and wellbeing. This can be done by connecting to non-medical forms of community support such as skills development, peer support, befriending and social or cultural activities. Or by offering support to access Active Scilly classes, the gym or swimming pool
Support can be given while you may be waiting for access to CAMHS or if you have returned home from college and are unsure about what direction to take.
If you or someone you know could benefit from a helping hand to navigate your future or try something new by engaging with their surroundings then please call St Mary's Health Centre on 01720 422628 and ask for a referral to see Katie Playle, your Social Prescribing Link Worker here on Scilly. You can also ask for a referral form at one of our local council 'One Stop Shops' at the library or at Carn Gwaval Wellbeing Centre
Get out and about, join in with organised activities and local groups or keep on learnig.
Please see our Leisure and Activities section
Intercom Trust
is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans+ charity working across Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and the wider South West, providing:
Help and Support
Support Groups
Online Directory
Community Surveys
Visit the Intercom Trust website for further information
Helpline number: 0800 612 3010
Scilly Pride
Local events and activities, Facebook page:
Independent Living
Adult social care provides advice and services to people over the age of 18 who may need help because of their age, a disability or learning difficulty. You may transition from Children’s Social Care to Adult Social Care and this will be discussed with you.
Please see information about Adult Social Care on the Council of the Isles of Scilly website:
Whatever age you are professionals that you work with should give you the opportunity to have your say. As you get older you will expect to be able to make your own decisions, this includes your care and health. However some people are unable to make decisions themselves.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 sets out what should happen when people are unable to make one or more decisions for themselves. It explains the roles that different people have for making decisions, including family or carers
The Mental Capacity Act states who can make decisions and is available on the website:
As elsewhere in the UK, finding accommodation on the Isles of Scilly can be difficult. There are a number of options for accommodation on the Isles of Scilly available to people with SEND.
Some accommodation is provided with a job for both permanent and seasonal work. Private renting either full accommodation or individual rooms with shared facilities are sometimes available and there is also the option to buy property on the Isles of Scilly. You can find more information about what is available at Local Estate Agents. The Duchy of Cornwall also has properties to rent and you can ask to be contact when properties become available visit their website for further details:
The Isles of Scilly Council has properties to rent and can offer advice. You can find out more about the housing services offered by the Council and about Social Housing by visiting the Council of the Isles of Scilly website:
Please see our transport section: Transport
Comes in many forms and has many names used to describe it, including home help, care attendants and "carers" (not to be confused with unpaid family or friends who care for you).
Home Care can suit you if you need:
personal care, such as washing or dressing
housekeeping or domestic work, such as vacuuming
cooking or preparing meals
nursing and health care
Help in your home can be very flexible, in order to meet your needs, this can be purchased independently to Adult Social Care and the same person or agency may be able to provide some or all of these options for the duration of your care: Adult Social Care can provide support for you within your own home, these services can only be provided to adults and/or their carers who meet the eligibility criteria as defined by the Care Act 2014.
long-term 24-hour care
short breaks for an unpaid family carer
emergency care
day care
sessions ranging from 15-minute visits to 24-hour assistance and everything in between
Other support services available to help you live independently in your home could include:
Meals on Wheels
Food preparation and errands
Personal Care
Further information about home care can be found on the NHS website:
You can find out about help in your home from Adult Social Care:
Being able to manage money is an important life skill. As you approach adulthood, you may have access to more money such as from work and the benefits you claim yourself.
When you turn 18, your money becomes yours and should not be included in the household income. Therefore, it is important for you to understand and learn the skills of how to manage money.
Managing money is also called budgeting and this helps you to keep track of what you are spending and help you avoid spending money you don’t have. It will also help you to decide whether you can afford to buy something you like.
The Money Helper website has tips and information on budgeting and more:
Setting up a bank account
There are limited banking options on the Isles of Scilly. You can manage your bank accounts online and through an app, if you have a smart phone. The Post Office branch on St. Mary's offers banking services for a number of banks, for example pay cash into your account
To set up a bank account you will require identification documents, some banks you will need to do this face to face and visit a branch, others are entirely online.
Parents and carers can support you to open an account at a suitable point before you turn 18. If you need support to manage your money and you have capacity you may choose a bank account that supports your needs. However, it is important to remember that when you turn 18, your money becomes yours and should not be included in the household income. If you lack capacity, your parents or carers may consider applying for Lasting Power of Attorney.
Please also see our Money Matters section for information on benefits, support and grants that may be available to you: Money Matters
Learning how to use technology is important and there is support available.
Please visit the Leisure and Activities area for details of local support: Leisure and Activities
Learn My Way
This is a website that offers free online courses for beginners, helping you to develop digital skills to make the most of the online world. Have a variety of courses including how to get the best out of online health services and improving your health online. For example GP services and using the NHS website.
There are resources and information available to help support you to Prepare for Adulthood. Some links are provided below:
Council for Disabled Children:
Good Health
If you are a young person aged 14+ years you may be entitled to an annual health check with a GP. You will need to have joined the Learning Disability register.
An Annual Health Check is done by the young person's doctor (GP) once a year. The doctor will take a closer look at how you are doing – making sure you are healthy.
This is available for most people aged 14 and older with a learning disability at GP surgeries that offers the service.
The young person does not need to be ill to get a health check, but they can ask their doctor about anything that is hurting or worrying them.
It is a good way to get to know their doctor better, and for them to find out more about the young person.
More information can be found on the NHS website:
Mencap also has useful information and easy read guides:
Penhaligon's Friends
Support bereaved children, young people and their families in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, visit their website:
Cornwall Bereavement Network
Supports Bereaved Families. The website has resources, information and list of charities, organisations and services that offer support to those bereaved, from any cause and of any age. Cornwall Bereavement Network website:
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence can happen at any age, there are organisations who are there to help and offer specialist support to you.
Safer futures Cornwall and Isles of Scilly – Domestic abuse & sexual violence service
Helpline Tel: 0300 777 4777
Non-secure email:
Secure email:
Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Independent Sexual Violence Advisory Service (ISVA)
Helpline Tel: 03458 12 12 12
Non-secure email:
Secure email:
First Light website:
For children and young people
Further information about other services including housing please visit the Council of the Isles of Scilly website:
For young people there is the YZUP service that is run by We Are With You, you can get support via a range of options and a worker visits the Isles of Scilly on a regular basis.
For further information please see the YZUP website:
There are a range of services to help support you with your health and wellbeing.
As you transition to adulthood you will move from Children’s Heath Services to Adult. This should be discussed with you, along with taking more responsibility medication and treatment. For further details about health services available to you please visit our health section: Children’s Health Services
For general information about Health Services on the Isles of Scilly visit:
NHS Live Well:
Advice and support is available from the School Nurse up to the age of 19. You can contact the Isles of Scilly School Nurse or use the mainland number.
Isles of Scilly Family Health Team, School Nurse
Telephone: 07827 284105 for advice and a chat Monday to Friday 10am - 3pm
ChatHealth is a new text service. For advice on 11-19 years of age Text 07312 263 096.
Users can send a text message, anonymously if they wish, to Health Visiting and School Nursing to get confidential help and advice about a range of health concerns, including:
Child development
Support with behaviour
Feeding and nutrition
Keeping safe and healthy
Childhood illnesses and support with medical conditions at school
Emotional, mental health and wellbeing
Smoking and vaping
Drugs and alcohol
The text messaging service is available Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) from 9am to 5pm. When a text message is sent to the numbers, an automated reply confirms the message has been received. A trained healthcare professional will reply to the message during office hours within 48 hours.
Alternatively you can contact the service by:
Telephone: 01872 324261
You can get information and advice, contraception, free condoms and information on where to get and STI test.
Sexual Health Cornwall
Offer a wide range of confidential services including STI testing, treatment, contraception (including long-acting and emergency), pregnancy testing, and specialist young people’s services for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Visit the Sexual Health Cornwall website:
13-24 years of age - you can register for access to free condom, femidoms and lube. Once registered, you will be able to collect free condoms from a number of outlets across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, including pharmacies, GP surgeries, colleges and youth services. Outlets will let you know they are part of the scheme by displaying the C-Card logo in their window.
Register for a C-Card:
Mind Your Way
Support for young people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, with lots of resources and advice. Visit the Mind Your Way website:
A digital mental health support service for children and young people, with access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors, helpful articles and self-help activities. Free, safe, anonymous mental wellbeing support with no waiting lists and no thresholds.
Sign up at the Kooth website:
SilverCloud is an online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme for those over 16 years of age, which allows you to complete therapy in your own time and at your own pace.
It offers secure and immediate access to a range of mental health and wellbeing programmes which you work through, using your computer, tablet, or mobile phone.
The modules within each programme offer a range of clinically proven interactive tools, activities, and videos to help you identify and challenge negative thoughts and behavioural patterns.
Visit the Silvercloud website for further information and to sign up:
The NHS website has lots of useful information, below are some links for wellbeing.
Young Minds
Offer a range of support and information for young people and parents about young peoples’ mental health.
Young Minds website:
YGAM, The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust
YGAM is a national charity with a social purpose to inform, educate, safeguard and build digital resilience amongst young and vulnerable people. Helping them to make informed decisions and understand the consequences around gambling and gaming.
Their website has educational resources on gaming and gambling in the UK as well as help and advice for young people, parents and professionals. Find out more on the YGAM website:
A free private and confidential service where you can talk about anything, whatever your worry and whenever you need help, online and by phone. The website also has useful resources
Tel: 0800 1111
Prevention of young suicide charity, can support you if you are thinking about suicide or are concerned about a young person contact Hopeline:
Tel: 0800 068 4141
Text: 88247
The Samaritans are a listening service available 24 hrs a day 365 days a year
Tel: 116 123 free from any phone
Email: this takes 24 hrs for a response but sometimes writing your feelings down can help you understand them better.
Worried about someone’ mental health?
NHS 24/7 Helpline
To talk to someone about your mental wellbeing you can call the 24/7 NHS mental health telephone support, advice and triage helpline 0800 038 5300
Support is available to anyone, regardless of age, all day every day.
If you or someone you know feels they need to access urgent mental health support, they will listen to you and asses how best to help. Further information available on Cornwall Partnership NHS Partnership Trust website, mental health crisis:
Employment, Education and Training
The Government says you need to be either in education, employment or training until you are 18 years of age with support being offered up to the age of 25.
The range of options and support available for young people with additional needs are:
Staying in full-time education
Start an Apprenticeship. An apprenticeship is paid employment with educational training to gain a nationally recognised qualification. Apprenticeships can generally last between 1 to 5 years, are available in a wide range of industries and you can gain different levels of qualifications.
Start a supported apprenticeship. A supported apprenticeship is similar to an apprenticeship, the difference is extra funding being available and the option of reduced working hours if you have SEN.
Start a Traineeship. A traineeship is all about work preparation training. It is designed to help young people who want to get into the world of work or an apprenticeship but lack the skills or experience to do so. Traineeships are for a maximum of 6 months and unpaid although help with education related costs might be available from a 16 - 19 Bursary Fund.
Be in employment or volunteering for at least 20 hours a week whilst in part-time education or training.
Start a Supported Internship. A supported internship is designed specifically for young people with an Educational and Health Care Plan to achieve sustainable paid employment by equipping them with skills they need for work, through learning in the workplace. They last for a minimum of 6 months and are unpaid although young people may be eligible for the Access to Work Fund.
Casual, weekend and holiday jobs, work experience and volunteering are great ways to get some experience of employment, learn new skills and earn some money. If you are under the age of 13 you are not allowed to be employed; between the age of 13 and 16 there are restrictions on the type of work you can do and hours of employment. Your employer can apply for a Chid Work Permit, further details are available on the Council of the Isles of Scilly website:
Further Information
Get information and advice on finding education, work or starting and developing your career and where to search for the latest jobs, apprenticeships and courses in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Looking to study in Cornwall, find links to Colleges and 6th Forms and information on free courses and workshops.
Cornwall Opportunities:
Cornwall Rural Community Charity :
Five Islands Academy:
People Hub Cornwall: website:
There is various support to help you set up and run your own business. This includes advice and information, training and grants.
Useful links
Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth Hub:
Cornwall Opportunities:
Supported Internships are work based learning placements within mainstream employment settings for 16-24 year olds who have an Education, Health and Care Plan. The aim is to secure paid employment at the end of the placement. Placements should last over six months and normally would be at least 20 hours per week.
Each intern is supported by a trained job coach who can assist in all aspects of the placement and act as a mediator between the placement and young person and their family as required. This is not a 1:1, but a mentor and coach. Support will be individually determined at an appropriate level and can taper as confidence and skills develop and can increase if required.
We are in the process of setting up and facilitating a Supported Internship programme on the Isles of Scilly. This will add a further option to our menu of choices for our young people, post-16.
If you would like further information on any aspect of Supported Internships, please contact Children & Family Services by email:
A Council of the Isles of Scilly service and offers a wide variety of courses both vocational & recreational for adults, young people, families, businesses and community organisations.
Whether you want to keep your skills up to date, improve them to gain employment, move on at work, support self-employment or simply improve your wellbeing.
See what courses are available by visiting Learn Scilly in the Wellbeing Centre, phone or see the Learn Scilly Facebook page.
Careers and education advice
Information, Advice and Guidance, everyone has the ability and potential to develop and grow in their lives and careers. We also understand that sometimes things get in the way and can hold you back.
Our Service aims to:
help you with careers decisions and planning
support you in reviewing your skills and abilities and to develop new goals
motivate you to implement your plan of action
enable you to make the best use of high quality career related tools
Have you been made redundant and are you unsure of your next move? Are you returning to work from time out? We can help
Perhaps you have just finished college or university and are considering your next move. You might be unhappy in your current job and ready for a change, but not sure what. You might have been out of work for a while and looking for job hunting tips.
Whatever your situation, whatever your barriers, we’re here to help you overcome them and reach your potential.
We can help you:
develop your CV
search and apply for jobs
understand the job market
search for courses and training schemes
find funding to support any learning
identify your key strengths and skills
explore your career options
choose training routes that fit your lifestyle
develop an action plan - this can help you achieve your goals
refer you to other useful organisations
We aim to give you the advice you need in the method you prefer.
Phone advice: Please ring 01720 424444 or leave a message and request a call back
Email advice: Post any careers questions you have to
Face-to-face advice: You can book an appointment to speak to an adviser
Learner support
Learners may be eligible for 50% fee remission if in receipt of certain benefits.
Boating support may be available during daylight hours for off island residents.
Childcare costs may be available for a registered childminder or nursery for the duration of your training.
Learners over 16 years of age are offered support, information and advice.
Learners with SEND, please contact the Learn Scilly team to discuss how you can be supported.
The team can offer information, advice and guidance about the range of courses and options that are available to you.
Learn Scilly
Carn Gwaval Wellbeing Centre
St Mary's
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0NA
Tel: 01720 424444
Further information
Learn Scilly:
Learn Scilly Facebook: