Children’s Health Services

There are a range of Children’s Health Services delivered by different providers. This can be Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, Cornwall Council and some voluntary and community sector organisations. Health services are split between universal and specialist services.

Universal services can also be known as primary care, are met by NHS providers and these are universally available to all. Examples of a universal service includes GP, Dental and health visiting.

​Some health care services can only be accessed by an assessment or referral from a health or social care professional, these are known as Specialist Services and/or Targeted services.  Example includes speech and language therapy, Occupational therapy.

​Not all health services can be provided in the Isles of Scilly and can be accessed in Cornwall, for example:

  • physical or sensory difficulties

  • developmental delay or impairment

  • maintaining a healthy weight

  • speech, language and communication needs

  • difficulties with eating, drinking and swallowing

  • epilepsy

  • diabetes

  • mental health issues

  • complex and technology-dependent health care needs

  • life-limiting/life-threatening conditions

​​Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) provides child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and specialist children’s services, including speech and language therapy, community nursing services and learning disability services.

Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust (RCHT) provide acute care and hospital services, and Community Paediatrician and some community services.

Social Care services are provided by the Council of the Isles of Scilly.

Health Visitor and School Nursing is provided by Cornwall Council

​For information about services for young people please see our Preparing for Adulthood, Good Health section.

Further information


Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Integrated Care System

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and

Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust and

Council of the Isles of Scilly  Children's Social Care

Cornwall Council Health Visitor and School Nursing

Universal Health Services

  • St Mary’s Health Centre offers a number of NHS health services , GPs, Health clinics, Pharmacy , Optician, Travel vaccinations , some non-NHS services

    The Health Centre also has regular Health Clinics, Community Mental Health Nurse and Drug & alcohol counsellor. The Isles of Scilly Family Health team, Health visitor and School nurse, have their office based at the Health Centre. There are GPs surgeries and clinics held on the off islands in the island Community halls.


    St. Mary’s Health Centre  Tel:  01720 422628

    Please use this number for out of hours, NHS 111 is also available

    ​In the event of an emergency dial 999 and ask for the ambulance service

    St. Mary’s Health Centre website:

  • A Community Pharmacy is located at St. Mary’s Health Centre and offers a range of pharmacy services.


    Tel:  01720 422021

    St. Mary’s Health Centre

    King Edwards Lane

    St. Mary’s

    Isles of Scilly 

    TR21 0HE

    Further details can be found on the NHS website:

  • Smile Together provide a Brighter dental service which is based at St. Mary’s Hospital.  This is a commissioned NHS dental service and can refer patients to specialist NHS dental services.  

    Information for specialist dental services for example those with SEND:

    NHS website:


    ​Weekdays Tel:  0333 405 0291

    The call centre is open from 8:30 am

    Urgent and Emergency dental care:  0333 405 0290


    website: Smile Together website:

    About Isles of Scilly practice:

    Emergency dental care:

  • ​When you first find out that you are pregnant, get in touch with your GP who will arrange an initial visit with a midwife.  Your midwife will help you plan your care before and after birth.

    ​As part of your care plan, your midwife will talk to you about your options and preferences for giving birth.

    ​Your midwife can make relevant referrals to other support services such as the WILD project for young parents and pregnancy support or perinatal mental health team as well as others. To find out more please discuss with your midwife at your appointments.


    In order to ensure that your concern or question is dealt with in the correct way by the correct person, we ask that you use the triage number (01872 258000) for all immediate concerns about yourself and your baby, enabling you to speak to a midwife 24/7.

    All other non urgent questions about your booking, making or changing routine appointments or asking for routine paperwork can be sent via email to your teams email address & will be dealt with within 72 hours.

    ​Email for Isles of Scilly: Isles of Scilly:

    St. Mary’s Health Centre: 

    Tel:  01720 422628


     There are GPs surgeries and clinics held on the off islands in the island Community halls.


    Further information

    For further information about maternity services:

    Perinatal Mental Health:

    NHS Start4Life has information on pregnancy, birth and parenthood:

  • The Wild Project is a Cornish based charity, their vision is for young parents and their children to be healthy, happy and safe, with better life chances and aspirations.

    ​WILD works with young parents where one parent is under 20.  

    ​You can also come to WILD if you or your partner and 23 or under, and have some extra needs. (eg if you or your child has a social worker, or if you have been in care, or if you or your partner or your children have a disability.

    ​Young parents are welcome at WILD if you are pregnant, or have children living with you, or if you don’t live with your children, if you have a partner, or if you are a single parent.


    Tel: 01209 210077


  • Your midwife and health visitor are there to support you.  They offer feeding information and advice, if you have any breastfeeding worries or concerns please contact them.

    ​Your midwife will support you in the early days.  The Isles of Scilly family health team offer antenatal and postnatal breastfeeding advice, whenever you need it.  

    ​Infant Feeding and Breastfeeding peer support volunteers are also available online and via Facebook.


    Isles of Scilly Family Health team,

    Health Visitor Telephone: 07483 351147

    School Nurse Tel:  07827 284105

    Breast feeding peer support volunteers

    Breastfeeding peer support volunteers provide friendly, non-judgemental support for parents in breastfeeding, giving human milk to their children and related matters. 

    The support provided by volunteers is confidential and all peer supporters receive safeguarding training. Services they provide:​

    • 1-to-1 video peer support via Microsoft Teams

    • Online drop-in groups via Teams

    • Facebook messenger chat and Facebook parent groups

    For more information about how to access their service visit:

    Facebook group:


    Tel: 01872 324261 ​

    ​The NHS Start4Life

    The Start4Life website has information for pregnancy, birth and parenthood.  Information and useful links on feeding your baby.  Bottle feeding, breastfeeding and mixed feeding:

  • Health Visitors are qualified nurses who are public facing, supporting families with young children and are a part of the Isles of Scilly Family health team.

    Health Visitors work with a range of services and there are 4 parts to the Health Visiting service​

    • Community - Health visitors work with a variety of community organisations running groups for parents and carers in your area to support you and your family. 

    • Universal Services (offered to every family) - Health visitors and their teams lead and deliver the Healthy Child Programme from pregnancy to starting school.  This promotes support to both parents through a series of scheduled child health reviews incorporating assessment of children’s health, development and wider well-being to ensure all children are reaching their full potential.

    • Universal Plus (further support for families) - Health visitors and their teams are able to provide a rapid response when additional support is required. This service assesses each child and family and refers them on to other appropriate services when specific expert help is needed, for example post-natal depression, speech and language therapy, child development, advice around parenting, weaning, or coping with a sleepless baby.

    • Universal Partnership Plus (for families who need additional support) - Health visitors and their teams work in partnership with parents and a range of local services over a period of time to provide intensive support with more complex health needs. This can include work with family hubs and other community services including the voluntary and community sectors to provide long term support in areas such as safeguarding and learning disabilities.

    Health Visitors offer the following services

    • Antenatal

    • New births

    • Dad Pad

    • Safer sleeping information

    • 6-8 week development review

    • 3-4 month development review

    • 1 year development review

    • Dental Health Support from 2 years old

    • 2-2.5 year development review

    • Five to thrive

    • Help when new to the area

    The Isles of Scilly Family Health team are available for one to one appointments and attend some early year’s island activities, as part the Council of the Isles of Scilly Early Years programme.  They have an office based at St. Mary’s Health Centre.  If the local team are not available, support is offered by the Cornwall Family Health Team, Locality 1. 

    Information and advice on sleep is also offered, further information on sleep support.

    If you are new to the island and have a child under 5 years of age, when you register with a GP at St. Mary’s Health Centre, the Health Visitor will be informed and will arrange a home visit with you for a child health assessment.

    If your child is over 5 years of age then you can contact the School Nurse.

    If your child is aged over 2 years and has had a the two year old check and you have had no more contact with your health visiting team and would like further advice/assistance from a Health Visitor, please make a referral through the Early Help Hub website:


    Isles of Scilly Family Health team 

    Health Visitor Telephone: 07483 351147

    School Nurse Telephone:  07827 284105

    ​If you are unable to make contact with the Isles of Scilly team alternatively you can contact the service via:

    Telephone:  01872  324261


    Further information

    Cornwall Council website:

  • School Nurses provide confidential advice and health information to young people, their parents, carers and teachers. You can see the School Nurse at School, a health care setting or another venue of your choice as drop-ins or one-one confidential appointments.

    School Nurses have 3 main roles:​

    • give confidential advice and care to young people and parents or carers 

    • support young people to look after their physical and emotional health 

    • direct young people to the right services.

    School Nurses offer health assessments to all children when they start primary and secondary school, this is by negative consent.  You can ask for a health assessment for your child at any time and book an appointment. 

    School Nurses also make referrals to other services your child may need including, hearing tests, speech and language therapy, continence services, child mental health services, dietitians.  This includes ophthalmology up to 7 years of age, from then you will need a referral from an optician.  

    Sleep support information from the School Nurse and Health Team

    Support with sleep is available to all families as part of the Health Visitor/ School Nurse offer.  Please contact the School Nurse who will give you a sleep assessment form to complete and arrange a 1 hour appointment to discuss interventions with your family or specialist support.


    Isles of Scilly Family Health Team, School Nurse and Health Visitor

    Telephone: 07827 284105 for advice and a chat Monday to Friday 10am - 3pm

    ​If you are unable to make contact with the Isles of Scilly team alternatively you can contact the service via:

    Tel:  01872  324261


    Further information

    ​Five Islands Academy website

    Cornwall Council website:

  • There are three telephone advice lines as follows:

    • young people aged 11-19: 07312 263 096

    • parents / carers of children aged 0-5: 07312 263 423

    • parents / carers of children and young people aged 5-19: 07312 263 499

    Users can send a message, anonymously if they wish, to Health Visiting and School Nursing to get confidential help and advice about a range of health concerns, including:

    • Sleep

    • Child development

    • Support with behaviour

    • Toileting

    • Feeding and nutrition

    • Keeping safe and healthy

    • Childhood illnesses and support with medical conditions at school

    • Emotional, mental health and wellbeing

    • Relationships

    • Smoking and vaping

    • Drugs and alcohol

    The messaging service is available Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) from 9am to 5pm. When a message is sent to the numbers, an automated reply confirms the message has been received. A trained healthcare professional will reply to the message during office hours within 48 hours.

    Alternatively users can can contact the service via:

  • Vaccines are routinely offered to everyone in the UK for free on the NHS, at the age at which you should ideally have them. St. Mary’s Health Centre provides this service and offer a range of routine immunisations and vaccinations, as well as travel vaccinations.

    If you have any queries the best thing to do is to discuss this with the Practice nurse who specialises in this area.  GP’s, Pharmacist and Health Visitors can also offer advice.


    St. Mary’s Health Centre
    King Edwards Lane
    St. Mary’s
    Isles of Scilly 
    TR21 0HE
    Tel:  01720 422628
    There are GPs surgeries and clinics held on the off islands in the island Community halls.

    For further information

    Vaccination schedule:

  • There is a Community hospital and Minor Injuries Unit, MIU on St Mary’s and this is run by Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundations Trust.

    St Mary's Community Hospital provides inpatient and outpatient clinics for people on the Isles of Scilly.

    The Minor Injuries Unit, MIU, is open all day, every day.  The latest MIU opening and waiting times
    are available on their website

    A number of outpatient clinics are provided from the hospital.  Your appointment letter will provide you with information but if you have any queries, please call.


    St. Mary’s Hospital
    St. Mary’s
    Isles of Scilly
    TR21 0LE
    Tel:  01720 422392

    Further information

     Cornwall Community Foundations Trust website:

  • There is help and support on the Isles of Scilly for children and young people for advice about their emotional wellbeing and mental health

    It is a good idea to speak to someone you can trust such as a family member/carer, teacher or pastoral support worker, youth worker or GP if you are struggling.



    St. Mary’s Health Centre Tel:  01720 422628

    ​There are weekly off island clinics based at island community halls.

    School Nurses

    The School nurse is available and provides confidential advice and health information to young people, their parents, carers and teachers.    

    The Isles of Scilly Family Health Team Tel:  07827 284105 

    ​If you are unable to make contact with the Isles of Scilly team alternatively you can contact the service via:

    Telephone:  01872  324261


    NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, CAMHS

    Cornwall Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service, CAMHS, provide a service to children, young people and their families on the Isles of Scilly.

    The CAMHS service is made up of: individual and family therapists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, specialist nurses, primary mental health workers, occupational therapists, learning disability specialists.

    ​For children and young people living in the Isles of Scilly, you can be referred by your GP, social worker, health worker or school SENCO.  Referrals are looked at to decide whether CAMHS is the best service to support your needs.  Sometimes, at this stage, your referral will be passed on to a more suitable service.

    ​Please refer to our CAMHS section for further information, including Learning Disability Nursing.

    ​Cornwall CAMHS website:

    Primary Care Mental Health Nurse

    A Mental Health Nurse holds regular clinics at St. Mary’s Health Centre, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Appointments can be made direct via the Health Centre by telephoning and booking an appointment or by a referral from your GP. 

    ​St. Mary’s Health Centre Tel:  01720 422628

  • Organisations who can support children/young people and parents/carers with mental wellbeing.


    There are some online NHS resources available to help support your mental wellbeing.  Including NHS Live Well website:

    Silver Cloud

    If you are 16 years or over you can access SilverCloud is an online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme which allows you to complete therapy in your own time and at your own pace.

    It offers secure and immediate access to a range of mental health and wellbeing programmes which you work through, using your computer, tablet, or mobile phone via the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website:

    NHS Every Mind Matters

    There are simple things we can all do to look after our mental health and wellbeing – take a quiz to get started and get a free plan, expert advice and practical tips. 

    The website also has information about mental health and useful tips to support yourself and others.

    NHS 24/7 Helpline

    To talk to someone about your mental wellbeing you can call the 24/7 NHS mental health telephone support, advice and triage helpline   0800 038 5300

    ​Support is available to anyone, regardless of age, all day every day.

    If you or someone you know feels they need to access urgent mental health support, they will listen to you and asses how best to help.  Further information available on Cornwall Partnership NHS Partnership Trust website:


    A digital mental health support service for children and young people, with access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors, helpful articles and self-help activities. Free, safe, anonymous mental wellbeing support with no waiting lists and no thresholds. 

    Sign up at the Kooth website:


    Free, safe and anonymous mental health support for adults.  Whatever is gong on in your world, we're here to help.  Whether you need us now, or in the future.  Professional support, community support, self-help articles, wellbeing activities.

    ​Qwell website:

    Mind Your Way

    Support for young people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

    Mind your way website:

    Five ways to wellbeing gives tips on how to improve your emotional wellbeing. 5 ways to wellbeing:

    We Are With You

    Provide free and confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health.

    ZYUP Offers one to one support and sessions in school/ college to young people aged 11 – 18 years who are struggling with drug and alcohol use.

    ​We are With You website:

    Tel:  01872 300816 

    YGAM (The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust)

    YGAM is a national charity with a social purpose to inform, educate, safeguard and build digital resilience amongst young and vulnerable people. Helping them to make informed decisions and understand the consequences around gambling and gaming.

    ​If you are a professional working with young people aged 7-25, YGAM offer free training and educational resources on gaming and gambling in the UK as well as help and advice. Find out more at

    ​If you are a parent looking for information around problematic gaming and gambling in 7 to  25 year olds, looking for support to build resilience and establish a health online/offline balance then visit their website

    Young Minds

    Offer a range of support and information for young people and parents about young peoples’ mental health. Visit the Young Minds


    Childline is a free private and confidential service where you can talk about anything, whatever your worry and whenever you need help, online and by phone. Tel:  0800 1111   website:


    Prevention of young suicide charity, can support you if you are thinking about suicide or are concerned about a young person Hopeline: 0800 068 41 41 email:  website:


    The Samaritans are a listening service available 24hrs a day 365 days a year Tel: 116  123  free from any phone 

    email: this takes 24hrs for a response but sometimes writing your feelings down can help you understand them better.

    Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

    First Light

    First Light provides specialist support to victims – male and female, adult and child – of sexual violence and domestic abuse in Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. 

    Contact:  Safer futures Cornwall and Isles of Scilly – Domestic abuse & sexual violence service 

    Helpline: 0300 777 4777
    Professionals’ Enquiry Line: 01872 241 711
    Non-secure email:

    Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Independent Sexual Violence Advisory Service (ISVA)

    Helpline: 03458 12 12 12
    Non-secure email:
    Secure email:   for children and young people

    ​Further information about other services including SARC and housing please visit the Council of the Isles of Scilly website, Community Safety:


    Intercom Trust

    ​The Intercom Trust is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans+ charity working across Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and the wider South West, providing help and support, advocacy, counselling, support group, information. ​

    Visit their website for further information:

    ​Helpline number: 0800 612 3010

    Cornwall Bereavement Network is supporting Bereaved Families.  The website has resources, information and list of charities, organisations and services that offer support to those bereaved, from any cause and of any age.

    Cornwall Bereavement Network website:

    Penhaligon's Friends

    Support Bereaved Children, for information and advice on how to support a child when a death occurs visit their website:

Specialist Health Services

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, (CFT) provide some specialist services by nurses, therapists, paediatricians and community health care workers.

 These include: 

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment Team, ASDAT team

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, CAMHS

  • Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service

  • Community Nurses

  • Youth Offending Services​

For full details visit the Cornwall Foundations NHS Trust website: 

​You can access these services via the Early Help Hub. Further information about the Early Help Hub is available on Cornwall Council website:

Early Help Hub

Tel:  01872 322277


​For Children and young people living in the Isles of Scilly, these services can be accessed by a referral from a Health Visitor, School nurse, GP or SENCO.  The Isles of Scilly Family Health team, the Health Visitor and School Nurse, can also refer to a Community paediatrician.

​Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, (RCHT) provide acute care and general hospital services as well as some community services.  These are split into 4 main headings – caring for babies, caring for children in an emergency or operation, caring for children with long term conditions, caring for children in the community.​

For full details visit the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust website:

Referrals to these services are from a professional working with the child, for example GP, health workers, school nurses. Outpatient clinics are held on St. Mary’s around every 3 months - caring for children with long term conditions and caring for children in the community.

  • Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT) supports children and young people aged 0-19 years who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing.

    This can include children/young people with delay in learning to talk, speech sound production difficulties, learning difficulties, cleft palate, stammering, selective mutism, autism, hearing impairment and physical disabilities. 

    ​Speech and language therapists (SLTs) are registered allied health professionals. Allied health professional is how we describe trained professionals who aren’t doctors or nurses.  SLTs aim to help to develop  the skills of parents/carers and other people who support the child in their everyday environments.  Sometimes, as part of a child's therapy training will be offered to parents and other people working with the child.  Some preschools and schools may already have attended training that will benefit chidlren with speech and language needs.  SLTs see children in schools, preschools, clinics and homes.

    ​Referral via the Early Help Hub and for children and young people living in the Isles of Scilly a referral can be made by the School SENCO, the School Nurse, GP or a Health visitor.

    ​Some of this process requires observation from a professional and a Speech and Language Therapist visits the Five Islands School on a regular basis.  A decision is then made as to whether the child meets the criteria.  

    ​The integrated AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) team is an extension to the local Speech and Language Therapy offer.  When a child or young person is able to demonstrate that to communicate their needs and wishes, learn and socialise they need a more advanced system, their local Speech and language therapist will request the involvement of this team.


    ​Early Help Hub

    Tel: 01872 322277 Email:


    Isles of Scilly Family Health team, Health Visitor and School Nurse Tel:  01720 423722

    Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website has useful information, resources and links:

  • The Royal Cornwall Hospitals Children’s Community Therapy service provides an integrated therapy service for children who have Neurodevelopmental, physical, sensory - motor difficulties, developmental delay, under-nutrition or excessive weight gain.

    The Service works closely with Acute & Community Paediatricians, other therapists and local authority professionals to provide coordinated care for children with atypical development and disability.

    Contact details

    Tel: 01872 254514

    Further information

    NHS Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, Caring for Children in the Community, Children’s Community Therapy Service

  • Occupational Therapy is a part of the Children’s Community Therapy Services (CCTS) and Community Paediatrics work in partnership within the department of Community Child Health at the Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust.

    Children’s Community Therapy deliver Occupational Therapy, and Physiotherapy treatment, to children and young people who present with, or are being investigated for, neurological, neuro-developmental, neuro-muscular conditions, atypical development and/or disabilities.
    Occupational Therapists assess functional and sensory needs and work with parents and carers to enable children to become as independent as possible.  This is likely to include a course of activities designed to increase range of movement, coordination and sensory awareness.
    Occupational Therapy services may also include the arrangement of loan equipment, moving and handling advice for children and carers, arrangement of minor and major adaptations.
    Major adaptations are funded via the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG).   For advice on eligibility for Disabled Facilities Grants to adapt a home for someone with a disability please visit the website:

    Referrals to Occupational Therapy are made by any health or educational professional who knows the child or young person such as a GP, Health Visitor, School Nurse, SENCO with input from parents.  There may also be observations of the child or young person to assess eligibility.


    Isles of Scilly Family Health Team, Health Visitor Tel:  07483 351147 and School Nurse Tel:  07827 284105 you can also contact the advice line 01872 322779

    St. Mary’s Health Centre Tel:  01720 422628

    Further Information

    NHS Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, Caring for Children in the Community, Children’s Community Therapy Service

  • Paediatric physiotherapy is a part of the Children’s Community Therapy Services (CCTS) and Community Paediatrics work in partnership within the department of Community Child Health at the Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust.

    Children’s Community Therapy deliver Occupational Therapy, and Physiotherapy treatment, to children and young people who present with, or are being investigated for, neurological, neuro-developmental, neuro-muscular conditions, atypical development and/or disabilities.
    Physiotherapists assess movement abilities and plan individual treatment programmes to encourage development and independence.  They also show parents and carers how to carry out exercises and activities so that the child practices them regularly.

    Referrals can be made by any health or educational professional who knows the child or young person such as a GP, Health Visitor, School Nurse, SENCO with input from parents.  There may also be observations of the child or young person to assess eligibility.


    Isles of Scilly Family Health Team, Health Visitor Tel:  07483 351147 and School Nurse Tel:  07827 284105

    You can also contact the advice line 01872 322779

    St. Mary’s Health Centre Tel:  01720 422628

    Further Information

    NHS Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, Caring for Children in the Community, Children’s Community Therapy Service

  • Dietitians provide dietetic support to disabled children, their families and the professionals who work with them. Their focus is on children diagnosed with a disability who are eating and/or drinking and who are at risk of under-nutrition. The team also provides a service for significantly overweight children aged up to 6 years under the LEAF (Lifestyles, Eating & Activity for Families) Programme.

    Contact details

    Tel: 01872 254514

    Further information

    NHS Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, Caring for Children in the Community, Children’s Community Therapy Service

  • ASDAT are part of the Neurodevelopmental team which provides multi-disciplinary assessment for children with complex neurodevelopmental conditions and whose needs are more complex. The neurodevelopmental team consist of occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, clinical psychologists, mental health and learning disability nurses, the Early Help Hub and medics. Diagnostic assessments for children with suspected autism are provided up to the age of 18 years and referrals are subject to screening against eligibility criteria.

    Children under 5 years 6 months can only be referred for ASD assessment through joint agreement between a Community Paediatrician and the child’s Speech and Language Therapist, with those specific professionals making the referral.  If the child is not already known to both these teams then referral should be made to these specialists who will then decide with the family about autism assessment. The Isles of Scilly Family Health Team can offer advice. 

    ​Children over 5 years of age will need to be referred by any professional such as a GP, School nurse, SENDCO.​


    ​To refer to this service a 3 part Assessment referral form is completed in order by professionals, families and school via the Early Help Hub:

    Once all the referral assessment forms are submitted to the Early Help Hub, they will be screened to see if the child meets the criteria for diagnostic assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder or Neurodevelopmental needs. If they are screened in for assessment, they will be placed on the waiting list for ASDAT or for the Complex ND assessment.

    ​Please also see the Child and Adolescent Mental Health, CAMHS section for children with ASD and co-morbid mental health needs.


    ​Early Help Hub

    Tel: 01872 322277  Email:


    Isles of Scilly Family Health team 

    Health Visitor Telephone: 07483 351147

    School Nurse Telephone:  07827 284105

    ​If you are unable to make contact with the Isles of Scilly team alternatively you can contact the service via:

    Telephone:  01872  324261


    For further information:

    Cornwall Partnerships Neurodevelopment Assessment team

    Neurodiversity Hub

    This is hosted by Parent Carers Cornwall:

  • Specialist community child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) provide assessment, advice and treatment for children and young people with severe and complex mental health problems. CAMHS also provide support and advice to their families or carers. Access to the specialist team is based on the Child Global Assessment Scale (CGAS).

    Referral is via the Early Help Hub. For children and young people living in the Isles of Scilly, you can also discuss referral with GP's, social worker, health worker or school SENCO. 


    Early Help Hub
    Tel:  01872 322277 Email:

    Further Information

    Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT)

  • The Kernow and Isles of Scilly Keyworking Service, KIOSK. Offer support to children and young people with a diagnosis of autism and/or learning disability, who are at risk of a mental health hospital admission.

    An allocated keyworker will work alongside the young person and family to deliver a bespoke care plan, focusing on the needs of the young person with the aim of reducing the risk of admission.

    For further information please visit the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website: Kernow and Isles of Scilly keyworkers | Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (

  • CYPEDS is a specialist service offering community based treatment for people 8 to 18 years of age with a suspected or diagnosed eating disorder. They are commissioned to treat individuals with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other specified feeding or eating disorders.

    Further information

    NHS Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust, Children and Young People’s Eating Disorder Service

  • The Community Child Health team works with children and young people in Cornwall who have a significant developmental disability or vulnerability.

    The medical team works extremely closely with other health professionals, such as therapists, as well as professionals in education and social care. Together they work to make sure these children have the support, care and treatment necessary to reach their full potential.  The Neurodevelopmental pathway provides assessment, diagnosis and ongoing coordination of care, alongside professional colleagues in education and social care. 

    The service is personalised for each child.  Most children will be seen and reviewed within the team, receive advice on available options and support and then discharged from the service.  Others will enter an assessment pathway or a long-term care pathway.  The doctors hold a number of specialist roles, including the Designated Medical Officer for Special Educational Needs, who supports the Education, Health and Care plan process.


    Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
    Tel:  01872 254514

    Further Information

    Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Child Health:

  • The Bladder and Bowel Specialist Service provides professional advice, guidance and information on the management of bladder and bowel continence.

    The Bladder and Bowel Specialist Service also provides treatment of faecal and urinary incontinence including enuresis and related bladder and bowel problems in children and adults.

    ​The Isles of Scilly Family Health team, the Health visitor and School nurse, can offer you support and refer you to the service.  A clinic is held on St. Mary’s around every 3 months for children with continence issues.​


    Isles of Scilly Family Health team 

    Health Visitor Telephone: 07483 351147

    School Nurse Telephone:  07827 284105

    If you are unable to make contact with the Isles of Scilly team, alternatively you can contact the service via:

    Telephone:  01872  324261



    Further Information

    ​ERIC, the children’s bowel and bladder charity has an online information resources and also offer telephone support.

    Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) Bladder and Bowel service:

  • The Cornwall wheelchair service is available to those registered with a Cornwall GP and the Isles of Scilly. For children with specialist wheelchair needs and adults who require standard or specialist wheelchairs. Major home adaptations are funded via the Disabled Facilities Grant.

    Further Information

    Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT), Wheelchair Services

    Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)

  • Hunrosa is commissioned by the NHS to provide limited individual sleep assessments to children with complex health needs who are already under the care of a Community Paediatrician at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust.

    Hunrosa’s Sleep Wise service periodically deliver specialist workshop-based training to professionals and parents on the Isles of Scilly to help them to recognise the causes of sleep disturbance and develop ways to address them.

    You can access this service by either attending one of their workshops OR for one to one support via a referral from a Community Paediatrician only.

    ​A series of 17 Sleep takeaway advice cards can be downloaded from the Hunrosa website.  For children and young people and their families, including those children with additional needs and up to the age of 25 years. These have been developed by Hunrosa sleep consultancy working within the NHS. These commissioned cards use evidence based sleep information and advice. They can be downloaded from the Hunrosa website:

    Contact details

    Tel:  01579 346070/07401 149973   Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm


    Further information

    Hunrosa website:

  • Some children and young people (up to age 18), may have very complex health needs. Children's Continuing Care is an additional package of care to support parents or carers to meet their child's health needs as they cannot be met by existing services alone, universal and specialist health services.

    Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Health Board will first assess a person who has been referred to them and decide if an assessment is to be completed.   A professional working with the child or young person will make the referral.  A final decision to award a package of care will be made by a Panel and is subject to regular review. 

    ​Further details about Children's continuing Care can be found on the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Health Board website: and the dedicated NHS webpage:
    and GOV.UK website:

    For young people over the age of 18 there is a similar process called NHS Continuing Health Care. This is different in that if a young person meets the criteria then all of their care needs (health and social care) are paid for by the NHS.  Further details can be found on the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Health Board website:

    Some people may be eligible for a Personal Health Budget - you can find out more about Personal Health Budgets on the dedicated national website:

    Information about Personal budgets and Personal Health budgets can be found on the NHS England website: 

    Education Health and Care plans

    An Education Health and Care plan takes into account the child or young person’s special educational need together with any health or social care need that they may have, also known as EHC plan.  

    An EHC plan is integrated support for children and young people with complex special educational needs and physical disabilities.  

    For more information about Education Health and Care Plans, please see our section on Education Health and Care Plans

    Further information

    Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Integrated Health Board:

  • Community children's nurses will support your child at home or another setting in the local community. The team can provide direct nursing care and support to those with acute, long term and complex care for example the team can provide nursing support to those with acute, long term and complex care. They will work with you and the other health staff and organisations which support your child's health and wellbeing.

    Further Information

    ​Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundations Trust:

  • Palliative care and End of Life care, find below a list of links with information that you may find useful.

    Further Information

    Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust:

    Children’s Hospice South West:

    Penhaligon’s Friends:


  • At Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust there are dedicated nurses to support patients with learning disabilities and autism spectrum conditions, they support patients to be prepared before they come to hospital and during their stay, helping individuals with a learning disability in hospital get high quality services, choice and control over their care.

    ​The Team are based at Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro and also available St. Michael's Hospital in Hayle and West Cornwall Hospital in Penzance with prior arrangement.

    You can download a copy of the Going to Hospital booklet and resources to support you, including a Hospital passport and find contact details on the Royal Cornwall Hospital website:

  • The Special Parenting Service supports parents who have a mild to borderline learning disability. This means an IQ of 55 – 80. The service offers assessment, teaching and guidance aimed at improving parenting skill. Instruction is adapted to the needs of each individual, and focusses upon imparting skills and knowledge, and fostering effective parent-infant attachment.

    Further information

    Visit the Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust website for contact details, how to make a referral and resources:

  • Paediatric Epilepsy Nurse Specialist Service help those with a diagnosis of epilepsy who have recurrent seizures that start in the brain.

    Further information

    Please visit the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website: