Leisure and Activities
Find information here about Council of the Isles of Scilly organised activities for young people, learning and getting support with technology. There are all sorts of arranged activities and local groups on the Isles of Scilly that are supported by local organisations. If you would like help with finding a group, an activity to join in with or training please get in touch with us. Our Preparing for Adulthood page has lots of useful information on education, training and employment.
All children and young people who are on the school SEND support register are invited to join SENsational Scilly, with monthly activity sessions for those aged 4 to 18 years.
SENsational Scilly activity sessions include multi-sports, arts and crafts, outdoor walks.
Boat access is funded by Children and Family Services for those children travelling from the off islands.
Please contact us for further information, if you would like to attend the sessions or if you need any access or support help, please let us know.
Runs alternative Mondays, during term time only, for Year 7 and upwards. From 6 - 8pm in the Sports Hall area at Carn Gwaval.
Occasionally there may be activities held in other places around the Islands. Youth Hub is very much Youth led and all activities are derived from young peoples choosing.
Children & Family Services
Telephone: 0300 1234 105 Option 5
Email: FamilyScilly@scilly.gov.uk
There are no Changing Places on the Isles of Scilly.
Public toilets are located around the islands with various levels of accessibility and aids.
The Tourist Information Centre (TIC), Porthcressa, St. Mary’s has public toilets including a disabled toilet with a RADAR key to access. If you require a key then the TIC has one available during opening hours www.visitislesofscilly.com/about/practical-info/tourist-information-centre
Disabled toilets with audio description are located at St Mary’s airport, St. Mary’s Harbour and Tregarthan’s Hotel.
The public toilets on the Strand, St. Mary’s also has a separate disabled toilet.
The public are able to use toilet facilities at some cafes and restaurants, for example Old Town and the Atlantic Hotel. The Church Halls on St. Mary’s also have toilets with various levels of accessibility.
Public toilets are located on all the off islands. St. Agnes quay, Bryher Church quay, Higher Town St. Martin’s, Tresco, New Grimsby quay. There is also toilet and shower facilities available on Tresco near the Stores and Estate office area, however accessibility is limited.
Toilets are also be located at the off island community Halls and have various levels of accessibility for disabilities.
Council of the Isles of Scilly sports, health and fitness service. Active Scilly offers Gym, Sports Hall and Swimming facilities, organised classes, activities and led sessions.
Sports Hall
The Queen Elizabeth ll Community Sports Hall is available to book for a wide range of sports and activities, both to clubs and the general public.
The hall can accommodate 4 badminton courts and has court markings for football, basketball, badminton, tennis and more. Nets and other equipment are available on request. There is also a large seating area and viewing gallery for spectators. Changing facilities with showers and lockers.
The gym is installed with state of the art Cybex equipment. This includes: treadmills, arc trainers, bikes, disabled user friendly upper body ergo meter, weights machines and free weights.
There are qualified instructors available in the gym at certain times who can offer advice on workout programmes and how to use the machines. If you are new to using a gym you can have a free induction, to show you how to use the equipment safely and effectively. If you are a regular gym user, feel free to use any of the available equipment at your own pace, there is no need to book. However you are advised to book on to classes such as TRX, Step Cardio and spin to avoid disappointment.
There are sometimes be changes to the timetable, especially to the gym support hours, due to staffing, bank holidays and events. Be sure to check their Facebook page for any updates or call.
Swimming Pool
Normandy Swimming Pool is open all year round to both residents and non-residents. It features a full program of open sessions and swimming lessons for both children and adults and sessions for toddlers and babies.
Other activities include aqua aerobics and swimfit classes. Children’s birthday parties and visiting schools can hire out the pool by request.
Experienced swimming teachers and pool lifeguards are available at each session for all your needs.
Open Sessions: Open sessions cater to all groups: there are sessions such as Children and Families, Relaxed Swims, Sensory friendly swims, Lane Swims, and Splash Tots, to give a range of comfortable swim times to a range of interests.
Admissions Policy:
No child under the age of 8 is allowed in the pool without being supervised by a parent or carer, or responsible person over the age of 16.
We strongly recommend that all children under the age of 4 years who cannot swim should be supervised on a one-to-one basis.
Children over the age of 8 must change in the appropriate changing rooms.
Swimmers with disabilities: pool staff are not permitted to physically lift any disabled person into or out of the pool.
Active Scilly
The Wellbeing Centre Carn Gwaval for Sports Hall and Gym Tel: 01720 424405
Normandy Swimming Pool Tel: 01720 424511
Further information
Active Scilly www.scilly.gov.uk/learning-leisure/active-scilly
Active Scilly Facebook: www.facebook.com/activescilly
Sensory Friendly Family swims
A swim session for children with sensory or additional needs, anxiety around swimming, or any other additional need that means a quieter session is more appropriate.
An opportunity for the whole family to swim together and any family with one or more children who would benefit from this session are welcome to attend, you will not be asked questions when you book.
Numbers capped to approximately 12 , the air circulation unit is turned off making the environment quieter, Lifeguard reduce use of whistles to emergency only, Sensory equipment is available
All pool rules apply including ratio's and cost of session
Contact and to book
Active Scilly
Telephone: 01720 424400
Email: enquiries@scilly.gov.uk
or use the Clubright app
A Council of the Isles of Scilly service and offers a wide variety of courses both vocational & recreational for adults, young people, families, businesses and community organisations.
Whether you want to keep your skills up to date, improve them to gain employment, move on at work, support self-employment or simply improve your wellbeing.
See what courses are available by visiting Learn Scilly in the Wellbeing Centre, phone or see the Learn Scilly Facebook page.
Careers and education advice
Information, Advice and Guidance, everyone has the ability and potential to develop and grow in their lives and careers. We also understand that sometimes things get in the way and can hold you back.
Our Service aims to:
help you with careers decisions and planning
support you in reviewing your skills and abilities and to develop new goals
motivate you to implement your plan of action
enable you to make the best use of high quality career related tools
Have you been made redundant and are you unsure of your next move? Are you returning to work from time out? We can help
Perhaps you have just finished college or university and are considering your next move. You might be unhappy in your current job and ready for a change, but not sure what. You might have been out of work for a while and looking for job hunting tips.
Whatever your situation, whatever your barriers, we’re here to help you overcome them and reach your potential.
We can help you:
develop your CV
search and apply for jobs
understand the job market
search for courses and training schemes
find funding to support any learning
identify your key strengths and skills
explore your career options
choose training routes that fit your lifestyle
develop an action plan - this can help you achieve your goals
refer you to other useful organisations
We aim to give you the advice you need in the method you prefer.
Phone advice: Please ring 01720 424444 or leave a message and request a call back
Email advice: Post any careers questions you have to LearnScilly@scilly.gov.uk
Face-to-face advice: You can book an appointment to speak to an adviser
Learner support
Learners may be eligible for 50% fee remission if in receipt of certain benefits.
Boating support may be available during daylight hours for off island residents.
Childcare costs may be available for a registered childminder or nursery for the duration of your training.
Learners over 16 years of age are offered support, information and advice.
Learners with SEND, please contact the Learn Scilly team to discuss how you can be supported. The team can offer information, advice and guidance about the range of courses and options that are available to you.
Learn Scilly
Carn Gwaval Wellbeing Centre
St Mary's
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0NA
Email: LearnScilly@scilly.gov.uk
Tel: 01720 424444
Further information
Learn Scilly www.scilly.gov.uk/learning-leisure/learn-scilly
Learn Scilly Facebook: www.facebook.com/learnscilly
The library is located at Porthcressa and membership is free of charge. A range of library services are available, activities and events and Council of the Isles of Scilly Customer Hub.
There are regular events and activities held in the library, please check the Library Facebook page for up to date information.
Facilities include: 2 public access computers, Free Wi-Fi, Printing in black & white and colour (A4 & A3), Colour photocopier (A4 & A3), laminating (A4 & A3), Guillotine available for use, tea and coffee, Disabled Access, Parking available at the front of the library, Automatic doors, Lift access to first floor.
Tel: 01720 424499
Email: Library@scilly.gov.uk
Further information
St .Mary’s Library www.scilly.gov.uk/learning-leisure/library
St. Mary’s Library Facebook: www.facebook.com/scillylibrary
Drop in support sessions
There are regular drop in sessions offering support with your IT – every Thursday 10 to 12 noon - either at Carn Gwaval Wellbeing Centre or the St. Mary’s Library. Please see Facebook for details
St. Mary’s Library
Have RNIB talking books and large print available, ask the Librarian for further details.
Learn Scilly
Have a range of courses available.
Learn Scilly
Carn Gwaval Wellbeing Centre
St Mary's
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0NA
Learn Scilly Tel: 01720 424444
Email: LearnScilly@scilly.gov.uk
Learn Scilly www.scilly.gov.uk/learning-leisure/learn-scilly
Learn Scilly Facebook: www.facebook.com/learnscilly
Five Islands Academy
The website has a range of links about online safety: www.fiveislands.scilly.sch.uk/online-safety
Learn My Way
This is a website that offers free online courses for beginners, helping you to develop digital skills to make the most of the online world. Have a variety of courses including how to get the best out of online health services and improving your health online. For example GP services and using the NHS website.
The Royal National Institute for the Blind RNIB, has about technology and useful products, there is a USB stick at St. Mary’s library with talking stories, speak to the librarian for further information.
Ability Net
Offer free online resources to help you get the best out of the digital world by using assistive technology and accessibility options for your devices.
Guide Dogs and Young People's Services
Guide Dogs Children and Young People's services support children with a vision impairment and their families, providing an information and advice service that can help with family support, education support, technology grants and sensory toys. Their My Life Skills is a service designed to help children and young people navigate the world around them, thereby building their confidence and independence. Their other services include My Time to Play (0-4 years), CustomEyes Books, Family Events, and Buddy Dogs.
More information can be found on the Guide Dogs website: www.guidedogs.org.uk
Plain language
We have attempted to use plain English throughout the site to make the information easy to understand.
Navigating our site without a mouse
You can use the 'arrow' keys to scroll up and down a page.
You can use the space bar to move down and 'shift' and 'space bar' to move up pages.
You can use the 'tab' key to move from one link to the next, in sequence, then press the 'return/enter' key to select the link.
Text size
If you need to change the size of the text on our website, you can do this by changing your internet settings in the top right hand corner.
Device accessibility settings and tools
Your device will have a range of accessibility settings and tools, a few are listed below and also see section on Support with Technology for organisations that offer further tips and advice.
Windows computers
You can change your display, keyboard and mouse settings there are a range of options available. Go to your devices settings, and choose ‘Ease of Access’. Options available include:
Colour and contrast
Keyboard options
Mouse options
Apple devices
You can find accessibility options by going to ‘System Preferences’ and ‘accessibility’
There are a range of accessibility options available on all apple products for further information go to the website page: www.apple.com/uk/accessibility
Tablets and smart phones
There are a range of accessibility options that you can find in ‘Settings’ and ‘Accessibility’, there are also a variety of apps available to download. Options available support:
Physical and Motor